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DIG-IN PRO: 5 Suggestions for Every Occasion – Porto

Discover 5 spaces in Porto with discounts up to 40%!

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Your brunches should always come with sunshine and with your pancakes, eggs Benedict, toasts and favorite juices! Don’t forget to include in this equation a wonderful 15% discount. Get to know the most famous garden in Porto!


If you’re a fan of Pokes, you really have to try these ones with a discount of 15%! Grab your chopsticks because these colorful pokes are waiting for you to give you moments of full happiness!

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Do you want to try typical dishes from Porto? This is the place! With amazing francesinhas and tapas that will give you the necessary energy for a day of adventures in the city!

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When all you crave is Asian food, Momo Asian Twist has got you covered! From sushi to bowls, you’ll always leave satisfied—and with 15% off at the end!

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Meat! Plenty of good meat! This is where Mexican and American snacks come to life on the plate and bring a whole new flavor experience to your palate. It’s impossible to resist!

Did you visited one of these places? Indulge in the flavor and then share it with us: just tag @diginpt and #diginpt in the content you share on your Instagram — we’re keeping an eye out! 

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